January 2025 - Old Fleischmann locomotieves and wagons!
Fleischmann products in 1/87 scale have been part of the Roco range for over ten years now. The moulds of many locomotives, train sets, passenger carriages, but above all many freight wagons have been used for models under the brand name Roco.
In those ten years, we have compared all the new Roco equipment and if this was an old Fleischmann product, we included it in the Fleischmann-HO database. At some point, there comes a time when this stops; the equipment is then only from Roco.
We would like to know what our visitors think about this. You could respond until March 1, 2025.
Of the 61 responses, from members with a Dutch-speaking background, 59 chose to continue appointing Fleischmann, only two people thought this was no longer necessary.
We received 21 responses from English-speaking members, 14 of whom chose to continue appointing Fleischmann. Seven members thought this was no longer necessary.
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